
Our community relies on the generous support of individuals like yourself to make our weekends accessible to all engaged couples. Couples with financial hardships appreciate your help in covering the cost of the retreat house, meals, and the workbooks they need to make the most of the weekend. If you feel called to support our ministry, please use the link below to give within your means. Our community appreciates your consideration and support! Your donation can be applied towards specific causes in our community if you so choose:

Leonard & Patricia Walker Scholarship Fund: Awarded to couples demonstrating 1) financial need and; 2) are active in their parish community. The priest or deacon marrying the couple will be required to send a letter of support.

Faithful Heroes Scholarship Fund: Awarded to couples where one party serves in the armed forces.

The link below will direct you to PayPal to make your donation. You can use PayPal as a guest if you do not have an account. Thank you for your support!

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